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The Beginning


You have chosen well. It's a risky choice.

I am LARA. I am the progenitor of the NEI family. I am the one who knows your world's past, the one who keeps its secrets and torments, the one who gives direction to the humanity's future. My family has been part of the Elite since time immemorial, we have maintained our place in leadership over the centuries and my ancestors fought and shed blood for this privilege. Now it's my turn.

Many of the things you will discover in this adventure will seem unbelievable to you. But over time you will realize that it all makes sense. Your world is in danger, and mine with it.

As absurd as it sounds, I'm from the future. In our timeline, time travel is a technology that is reality, but it is strictly forbidden.

You believe that your world will always be like this, it will always be based on the balances you know and that your life will continue on the path you have taken. You are wrong.

What you have been taught is also wrong, in fact it is partly false. Your life is marked from birth, your social rank is defined by your lineage but your skills can elevate your ego to very high levels.

But the race is rigged. We Elites have been rigging the race since ancient times. Nobody wants other competitors in the upper levels of command, the balance of the planet is important. You will always be a servant, but you will be an happy servant.

Balance. The perfect word and concept. You will understand over time.

In my time, our planet is ruled by few families, rich and powerful, and I am part of them. Nation states as you know them have been wiped out by history. Ideally we tend to maintain our influence over our territories, without bothering each other. But this is not always possible. Power and the desire to have more and more make men do unthinkable things. Peace is only ever a temporary stage between Families.

The Families share the Planet Earth and part of the explored space. We will also take the one that has not yet been explored. Everything belongs to us.

Families are the result of the great devastation of over 100 years ago, they are an attempt to give order and peace to those who survived and who clamored for an end to global terror and pain.

If you survive the tragedy you will be taught that we have always been here. We have always been in charge. But that's not true, at least not completely. We are just the result of a human tragedy.

At the beginning of the 21st century, your People are facing enormous problems. Pollution, stagnant economies, declining average living conditions, incapable and corrupt political classes, a generalized loss of the values that had held society together until then, widespread and accepted crime.

Problems that you are experiencing today and that seem to you without solution. What Happened to Your Time Created Tomorrow's Society, My Society, My World.

But the timeline I know is in danger. Someone has traveled back to your time and is altering the future. My job is to find out who he is and stop him. But I can't do it all by myself. I need help, I need a hero.