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A little glimpse into the Future


Our planet in my Time is divided into various zones of influence, as it has always been since the dawn of time.

These zones of influence are mainly the result of the great wars of the 21st century and of the internal struggles of the following decades , with small bloody battles over a few miles of very often useless territory. Those few remaining humans often fought battles purely for propaganda or for old popular issues concerning states and empires that were present centuries before. Nostalgia has made a lot of unnecessary deaths.

The great wars fought decades before my birth left the planet devastated, with a decimated population and completely unlivable areas

The survivors of the "Tragedy" however, organized themselves and thrived again. But even today, hatred broods in the souls of those few who have memory, who have something to remember and a way to remember.

One of the dramas of my time is memory loss.

Low-level populations have no memory of what happened before they were born and before the tragedy. The keepers of everyone's memories, of the memories of people and their loved ones, have been lost. Books, photos, diaries, hard drives. All destroyed.

In the period of life just after the tragedy, a book was useful only for warmth. Each piece of paper was burned to create heat and give some extra chance of surviving the freezing winters that followed. Paper, wood, any flammable material that hadn't been destroyed by war had become very precious. Reading was a luxury, surviving was the only thing that mattered.

The electromagnetic emissions from atomic explosions had fried everything that was electronic causing billions of terabytes of data to be lost. There were huge graveyards of useless hardware to be recycled.

The Big Cities, your beautiful Megacities full of life and joy, had become huge piles of skeletons. Skeletons of buildings, cars, humans.

On every corner, hunger, pain, desperation, violence and abuses .

In the years that followed the "Tragedy" happiness was breathing well and not being hungry.

In this hostile, sterile and bitter environment, corporations were born and raised. On a territorial basis, the Corporations were created, which were almost always well received by the survivors. A semblance of order, stability and security was immediately accepted by the majority of the population.

There were obviously some clashes, but the power of the Corporations took possession of the entire planet. And then the clashes between the Corporations began. And among the Families that led the Corporations.