Underground Warfare in the West

After the Ukrainian experience, the United States continued its work of using its power to put China in a checkmated position, trying in every way to create agreements and putting unsustainable pressure on the governing classes of the aligned countries.
On the other side of the planet, China, was preparing for a conflict that now seemed imminent. The world was divided into two blocs, with few neutral countries, at least in appearance.
On one side the Western Bloc, son of NATO and shadow of the end of the Second World War. Aligned to it were Asian states such as Japan and South Korea and a few African states, such as South Afrika
On the other side, the Chinese-Asiatic bloc , led by Beijing and closely followed by all the countries that were in open competition with the United States. Russia was a wounded bear trying to survive and sided with Beijing, even if not openly.
Two distinct blocs, two different ways of living. But the command and the Hegemony, could only belong to one.
The two Blocs were apparently friends and supportive on many issues concerning the planet and its conservation. Appearances were deceiving.
Indeed, beneath the surface visible to the population, each blow was struck with unparalleled brutality. The clash was initially not military, but concentrated in the life and society of the various countries. Religion, family, traditions were systematically attacked to create unease and instability. Crime and drugs were financed by the secret services of various enemy countries.
The United States and NATO countries were hit by various covert operations.
The United States were the protagonists of an offensive by the Chinese Secret Services with the aim of weakening the young population with massive doses of drugs. The strategy of the Opium War of two centuries earlier. A young population incapacitated to fight and devoted to drugs could defend no country. Through deals with Mexican Narcos, massive doses of fentanyl , cocaine and methamphetamines crossed the American border and flooded the country's market. The massive availability brought down prices and a large part of the population found itself exposed to the drug phenomenon.
It was an unprecedented massacre. At the peak of the operation, overdoses were in the tens of thousands a day in major cities. It was not possible to control the flow of death in the streets.
The same strategy was attempted in Europe, but with less success. There were still thousands of deaths but the European public was for some reason more resistant. But Europe was not safe, there were other plans for destruction in progress.
The Russian services to strike Europe, began to subsidize their organized crime to bring disorder and social problems. Sabotage, strikes, counterfeit money printing, power outages, hacking of all kinds. Everything was designed to slow down the European production machine.
The Chinese and Russians, as a further system of sabotage, financed and promoted clandestine immigration to the West. Europe had already had an immigration problem for some time, but Chinese services exacerbated the problem in the volumes of transfers of men from Africa, the Middle East and Asia. The European borders had become a sieve, and masses of men were entering relentlessly. The situation in the United States was no different. Huge masses of men and women were trying to enter the country from the Mexican border. Huge human caravans were being created in Latin American countries and then headed north.
The suburbs of large cities became open-air slums, with entire neighborhoods in the hands of foreign populations. The western world promised to migrants, full of opportunities and a comfortable lives, turned out to be a disaster. Many of these economic migrants, blinded by false promises, found themselves living in complete poverty and without means of livelihood. Crime found fertile ground, since the only way to survive was delinquency. European cities slowly slipped towards social insecurity, prey to gangs of hopeless young people whose only interest was to survive another day making the heads of the various criminal organizations happy.
Europe and the United States did not immediately see this kind of action as an organized unconventional attack but rather as individual unrelated phenomena, created by criminal organizations whose only interest was mere money. Destructive phenomena that were not stopped due to lack of general political will in front of the general public. The price of doing the right thing was too high for any professional politician, and the consequences would be too onerous. He wanted to look the other way pretending that the problem would solve itself.
Another Chinese operation on a global scale was the creation of dormant malware pre-installed in all electronic devices sold worldwide. Every mobile phone, TV set, electric car made in China was infected with this malware designed by the Chinese intelligence services and installed by compliant companies. The Communist Party knew how to convince people. And the Chinese intelligence knew how to see into the future. In fact, this strategy of theirs would prove to be fundamental years later, when these malware were able to carry out the largest operation of destruction of electronic devices ever created before.