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Underground War in Asia


Not everyone in the Western world was willing to suffer. Spy agencies began to investigate thoroughly and within a few months the evidence of Russian and Chinese involvement in drug and human trafficking was a certainty. However, the lack of political will, made these tests remain in the shadows and in the secret rooms it was decided to act by hitting Chinese and Russian interests.

One of the first operations conceived was to create a database of information with special malware installed on the phones of the entire population. Each phone could be spied on and the data and conversations used in major chat applications were reviewed by specialized algorithms. This information was then used for various other covert operations.

The CIA attempted to target China indirectly. The goal was to hit Chinese interests abroad. A strategy of contract killings was adopted in various African countries. Chinese communities were being targeted by armed gangs and common thugs with criminal acts and killings that seemed unrelated. Engineers, ordinary workers, whole families. All were attractive targets on the African continent, even more so if they worked in companies dedicated to the construction of infrastructure commissioned by African governments but financed by Beijing.

In Europe, the secret services fomented a war for the control of drug trafficking and prostitution between the various criminal organizations. Every Chinese community was the basis and lymph for the Chinese mafia and hitting the latter would have meant hitting Beijing indirectly. In European cities it would have become common practice to see armed clashes, killings and reprisals between the different mafias. It was clear that there was an attack on Chinese communities and an attempt was made to undermine their internal security.

The Chinese communities affected by these missions began to make their voices heard with their representatives in Beijing. They tried in every way to find a way to maintain order and peace, but the grievances of the Chinese government and the immigrant population meant that frictions were created with the local powerful who began to see the Chinese communities as a problem and a threat to the internal stability of their country.

Bacteriological warfare was also used. The CIA developed some genetically modified strains of avian and swine flu. Chinese and Asian farms were massively affected and 90% of the animals were infected and slaughtered . Pork prices skyrocketed in Asia while chicken and eggs became virtually unavailable. The vast majority of farmers had to close or rely on state aid, while end users found themselves without the basic elements of Chinese cuisine.

Another kind of mission undertaken was sabotage. Western forces managed to buy, in the truest sense of the term with rivers of dollars, many workers who were in contact with agencies or structures that were connected with the Chinese road and sea trade. The operation was particularly complicated and was based on the use of local agents who would have bribed personnel of ports, workshops, facilities for the production of food, energy and drinking water. The basic idea was to make it inefficient and complicated for Chinese goods to get to the West and in addition create difficulties for the local population. In practice it was a question of creating damage to dams, destroying or rendering inoperative transport ships by sabotaging their engines or by adulterating the fuel. This kind of operations were extremely dangerous since the Beijing regime had very tight control over the population and this kind of sabotage was punished with life imprisonment if discovered. But the corruption was equally enormous, and many uncovered agents managed to escape outside China's borders.

The world had now become a battlefield for the world's secret services.