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The Invasion of Mexico


In 2028 the United States Army invaded Mexico.

The United States had two huge social problems that were created by Mexico . Uncontrolled immigration and the production and dealing of narcotics. The Mexican government was unable to hit the Narcos and the strategies implemented to block the human mass heading north had never had real effects. The wall was useless, the controls couldn't keep up with the amount of people attempting the jump. In addition, after years of operations and collaborations with the Mexican Units, in the Mexican presidential elections of 2026, the winning candidate was an uncomfortable character in Washington and very, too close, to the Narcos. Mexico had officially become a narco-state , the first in the world, openly directed by criminal forces and with the clear intention of making the country the largest producer of narcotics in the world. Legally, And with enormous undercover support from Beijing.

Washington's efforts to bring down the candidate were futile too strong was the Narcos' entrenchment in the country and too strong was the corruption in the present political generation. Every attempt to derail the election was foiled. The Narcos bought victory.

Soon Mexico approved the legalization of all types of drugs, both production and consumption. The underground Mexican economy came out into the open and all in the country's leading Narcos became the richest men on the Continent. Every type of drug became as common and as easy to buy as any aspirin. This gave rise to the phenomenon of Narco-Tourism . All of Mexico was one huge Cocaine-flavored Amusement Park.

The drug problem in the United States became untenable. The population was decimated. The president decided to intervene and strike to the end.

A huge border exercise was organized to prepare the troops for operations in a desert climate. Of course it was just a feint to have a reason to mass troops near Mexico. The Mexican government saw the trick and in turn moved troops close to the border. Meanwhile, diplomatic relations were decidedly tense and compromised. On July 10, 2028, on the border, some heavily armed Narcos attacked a police post to free some drug dealers arrested a few hours earlier. They killed all the policemen present and drove the drug dealers inside the Mexican borders.

It all began on the night of July 12, 2028, with an hacker attack that blocked all services in the country. At the same time operations were launched to kill characters belonging to the government and Narcos. The U.S. Air Force had complete control of the skies in a few hours and was striking the residences of the Narcos leaders with precision weapons. The country was completely under the precise fire of Washington's drones, whose strategy was to decapitate the Narcos leaders and avoid a bloodbath with the local population. The special forces occupied all the palaces of power. Within a couple of days Mexico had a US-led puppet government, but that didn't stop the ongoing civil war.

In fact, the country split in two, with a small part of the armed forces joining the invading forces. Most of the Mexican police and army joined the Narcos, in a wave of facade Nationalist spirit, but in reality driven by economic promises made on the basis of future drug sales. An operation that was supposed to be a quick hit turned into an all-out war across Mexico.

The US military had preponderant power over the Mexicans and arrived at the southern border with Guatemala in two months, leaving behind a sea of blood, burning metal, and death. Washington's forces were in full control of the skies and in a direct confrontation with the Mexican military, the latter were destined to be swept from the battlefield.

Some Mexican garrisons resisted for months, such as Guadalajara and Merida, above all because in an urban environment and with a population that decided to fight to the last man alive. It was a real senseless massacre. The country was never fully pacified. There was daily shooting in the streets, the economy was in tatters, and the surviving drug lords did nothing but move south across the border to Colombia and Venezuela.

The real problem was, the invasion created the South American Super-Alliance against Washington. The Latin countries, frightened by the aggressive gesture, led by the Colombian-Venezuelan bloc, began to weave relationships of mutual protection, along the lines of what NATO was in the 1950s.

Diplomatic relations were strained in the area.

The crisis ended with the peace accords of 2030, with a destabilized and totally destroyed Mexico, hundreds of thousands of dead and a stalemate in Central America and the creation of an alliance of South American states in defense against another possible US aggression.